Over $9,500 Raised by Quaker Holiday Market

Quaker Holiday Market was held at Annapolis Friends Meeting on 7 December 2019. With the help and generous support of multiple committees, the Annapolis Friends Meeting community and a dedicated return clientele, Quaker Holiday Market was able to clear $9,650 which will be divided between Kallan Benson and her family, and Fridays for Future~USA, the youth climate action group in which Kallan plays a prominent leadership role. In-kind donation of unsold Market items were used to benefit a number of causes, including Orphan Grain Train, Light House, Eastport Elementary School’s holiday shop, Voices for a Second Chance, books for boys at the Cheltenham Youth Facility, Books for International Goodwill, Partners in Care, and Amvets. In addition, Afghan Women’s Fund was able to raise money for building a school in Afghanistan, including $600 in post-Market pashmina sales. It is with warm gratitude that we wrap up Quaker Holiday Market 2019, and ask Friends to mark their calendars for Quaker Spring Market 2020 on 2 May!