Our Core Beliefs

As Quakers, we have no clear creed. We believe that every person is loved and guided by God. Our understanding of faith is that true human fulfilment comes from an attempt to live life in the spirit of love and truth and peace, answering that of God in everyone.

We use many words to describe the Divine, including: God, the Light Within, Christ, Spirit, and Inward Teacher.

The Quaker way has deep Christian roots that form our understanding of God, our faith, and our practices. Many Quakers consider themselves Christian, and some do not. Many Quakers today draw spiritual nourishment from our Christian roots and strive to follow the example of Jesus. Many other Quakers draw spiritual sustenance from various religious traditions, such as Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and the nature religions.

Quaker testimonies (SPICES: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, Stewardship) are expressions of the commitment to put our beliefs into practice. They do not exist in any rigid, written form; nor are they imposed in any way. Each Quaker searches for how the testimonies can best be expressed in his or her own life.