Weekly Announcements 07.31.2022

Weekly Announcements

Coming Up:

The list of events below can also be viewed on the AFM website’s homepage or on the AFM Calendar.

Note: Titles link to the AFM Calendar for greater detail and the word Zoom links to the online meeting. 


Uphold Ukraine Daily

Friends House Moscow supporters in the U.S.A. are running an international online Meeting for Worship, to join other Friends holding in the Light all the people affected by the current crisis in Ukraine. This meeting will run EVERY DAY. The start time depends on your time zone. It starts at 9:00 am PDT (12:00 pm EDT).

Click on THIS LINK, which is the Friends House Moscow Cloud Meeting. This link was revised as of 04.10.2022. Or use Meeting ID: 416 500 5614; Passcode: 182805

Contact Ann R. at ministry@annapolisfriends.org for more information.

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Quakers in Kyiv Sunday MfW

The Quakers in Kyiv meet on Sundays at 1:00 pm EDT in silence. For Zoom information, go to their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/QuakersKyivUkraine/

On Zoom: Meeting ID: 852 8396 7313; Passcode: 2022

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North County Meeting for Worship 

We will meet outside wearing masks at 7 pm on Tuesday, August 2. All are welcome! The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) call worship events Meetings for Worship (MfW) rather than services. This is a silent, centering Quaker meeting for worship where a group of people sit for an hour in silent, centering worship. Come sit with us.

For more information, contact Diane E. at info@annapolisfriends.org.

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U.S. Quakers “call to action” for democracy 

There will be an online Threshing Session on August 10 at 7:30 pm hosted by AFM’s Peace & Social Concerns Committee. A nationwide group of 13 Quakers launched an urgent call to action related to the threats on democracy on June 13, 2022. AFM endorsed the call and began holding threshing sessions to help F/friends discern what action individuals or groups might feel called to take. See Phil’s email dated July 28 that was sent on the AFM-Announce list for additional details.

Contact Phil C. at social-concerns@annapolisfriends.org for more information.

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AFM Business 

The August Meeting for Worship (MfW) with Attention to Business (wAtB) will not be held on the 1st Sunday in August due to the conflicts with the Baltimore Yearly Meeting Annual Session. The next business meeting will be held on Sunday, September 4, at 9:00 am

Contact Martha B. at clerk@annapolisfriends.org for more information.

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BYM Fall Spiritual Formation Retreat

The Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Fall Spiritual Formation Retreat is scheduled for September 9 – 11, 2022 and registration is now open. Although it seems so far into the future, it is best to get ready now if you are interested. The retreat will be held at Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministry Center, 16869 Taylors Landing Rd, Sharpsburg, MD.

For additional questions, please contact Marilyn Rothstein at marilyrothsetin@comcast.net or visit the BYM Spiritual Formation website.

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Wednesday Meditation Group on Hiatus

The Wednesday Meditation will be taking the Summer off. No Wednesday Meditation meetings will be conducted during the Summer. The group will restart meeting on October 5, 2022 at 7 pm. They have been meeting on Zoom, sitting silently for the first 40-minutes and then discussing a book that the group selected. Look forward to more announcements in the Fall.

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Stony Run Meeting

The Stony Run Meeting announced that they are seeking to hire a full-time Meeting Facilitator who will assist the meeting to grow their membership. View the full position description at Stonyrunfriends.org.

Contact Stonyrunjobsearch@gmail.com to learn more.

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5th Night Light – Every Thursday evening

From 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm every Thursday, the AFM community engages in a spiritual practice that acknowledges the Light of God within each person and that to be in community is to actively care for one another. During that time, Friends hold people and situations who need additional spiritual support in the Light. Friends will pause wherever they may be, read the list of names, and hold each person or situation in our hearts and in the Light. On Wednesday, the list of names or situations are sent out to the AFM-Announce list.

For more information, contact Pastoral Care at pastoral-care@annapolisfriends.org.

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BYM – Jesus’ Friends

Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) has an Advancement and Outreach committee called Jesus’ Friends who have sent an invitation to the various Meetings in BYM, including Annapolis Friends Meeting (AFM). The Jesus’ Friends is based on the biblical verse from John 15:15 that says: “ I have called you friends. “ 

Are you a new-comer from a Christian tradition?  Are you an old-timer who remembers meetings peppered with scripture and prayer?  Are you just curious?

Jesus’ Friends offers opportunities to share Quaker commitment drawing on Biblical and Christian sources in the Quaker tradition.  Depending on interest, opportunities might include: worship, worship sharing, Bible study, discussion groups, family events, guest speakers, service and witness and prayer circles.

To receive regular emails about upcoming opportunities, email JesusFriends@bym-rsf.org and include the key phrase “I’m interested” in the subject line.

Jesus’ Friends is sponsored by the BYM Advancement and Outreach Committee.  We encourage reactions, ideas, and volunteers.  Include the key phrase “Let’s Talk” in the subject line of an email to the above address.

Contact JesusFriends@bym-rsf.org to learn more.  If you want to talk by phone, call Steve Morse:  703 581 9827

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Afghan Refugees

Please see the update on the AFM website: Update on the Afghan Refugees. To help out, there are several ways, including financial donations, team members on the ad hoc committee, and transportation.  Checks can be sent to Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, 333 Dubois Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 and noted for UUCA Afghan Refugee Program. 

For more information, email info@annapolisfriends.org

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Meetings for Worship

There are two options for Sunday worship with Annapolis Friends Meeting:

  1.     Weekly at 8:00 am. This Meeting for Worship is in person (no technology) and meets outdoors in good weather.
  2.     Weekly at 11:00 am. This Meeting for Worship can be attended in person at the Meetinghouse, or remotely on Zoom (Phone: 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 650 269 455, Passcode: 241727)

Other options for Meetings for Worship include: 1) a gathering in spirit only, physically apart and without technology, in communion with friends at the Meeting House at 8:00 a.m. This option was created to link Friends in worship in the early days of the pandemic, and often Friends are at their own homes.  2) In North County, on the 1st Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 pm (please see North County Meeting on the calendar). 

For more information, send an email to info@annapolisfriends.org.

For additional information about Annapolis Friends Meeting and other events click here for the calendar. Or at https://annapolisfriends.org.