Weekly Announcements
If you know of an event that you would like to see in the Weekly Announcements, please send the information to communications@annapolisfriends.org.
Coming Up:
The list of events below can also be viewed on the AFM website’s homepage or on the AFM Calendar.
Note: Titles link to the AFM Calendar for greater detail and the word Zoom contains the link to the online meeting.
- EVERY DAY: 12 pm EDT (9 am PDT) Uphold Ukraine on Zoom
- April 12 (Wednesday), 7 pm, Wednesday Meditation Group on Zoom
- April 13 (Thursday)
- 4 pm, Spiritual Friends Group on Zoom
- 7 pm, The Path Toward Racial Harmony and Justice in person and on Zoom. Registration required: Speaker Series Registration
- April 14 (Friday)
- 9 am, Library Committee in person
- 7:30 pm, Ministry & Worship Committee on Zoom
- April 15 (Saturday)
- 9:30 am, BYM Networking in person & on Zoom. See BYM event webpage
- 3 pm, Deconstructing Racism on Zoom
- April 16 (Sunday)
- 8 am, Meeting for Worship, in person or from your home (no technology)
- 9:15 am, Committees Meet in person or Zoom
- 11 am, Meeting for Worship in person (with nursery care) and on Zoom
- 11 am, First Day School in person
- 12:30 pm, CREC meeting in person
- 1 pm, Silent Worship with the Quakers in Kyiv on Zoom
- April 18 (Tuesday), 5:30 pm, Communications Committee on Zoom
- April 21 (Friday)
- 6 pm, The Friendlies on Zoom
- 7:30 pm, Education Committee on Zoom
- April 22 (Saturday), 9:30 am – 2 pm Earth Day Celebration (Quiet Waters Park)
- April 23 (Sunday)
- 9:15 am, Committee Clerks’ Meeting in person and on Zoom
- 12:30 pm, Presentation/Potluck with Pastor Parfaite Ntahuba from Burundi in person
- 12:30 pm, Friends Writing Together on Zoom
What’s “News” and Life Happenings
New Feature!
Friends are invited to share their Joys and Life’s Happenings with each other during Meeting for Worship, through the Weekly Announcements email and on the AFM-Discuss. On April 9, we heard:
- Big Thanks to Stephen P. who cooked a fabulous Easter breakfast for the community !
- Also, thanks to those who brought additional breakfast delights.
- Welcome to Ann W., a newcomer, who just moved to the area.
- Francis Wayne shared that he will begin a ministry of visiting men, women, and youth in a prison called Shimu La Tewa.
If you have joys to share, please contact Ellen M. at communications@annapolisfriends.org and they will be added to our joys and life’s happenings section.
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Reminder: Drive slowly on Dubois Road
Annapolis Friends Meeting is in a residential area where at least 11 children under the age of 8 live and play. To ensure that the children are safe, please adhere to the posted speed limit of 25 mph and watch for pedestrians, including smaller ones.
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April Queries are focused on Spirituality
The AFM library is a great place to find some interesting books. The April query topic is Spirituality. Your library has many books and pamphlets on the subject. A selection of just a few books focused on the monthly query are located on the left side of the rack on the counter. Also, check out the Pendle Hill pamphlets on the rack on the table under the sign indicating monthly pamphlets. Please come in to find books that are not available in the public library.
Contact library@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Uphold Ukraine Daily Meeting for Worship
Friends House Moscow supporters in the U.S.A. host a daily international online Meeting for Worship, to join other Friends holding in the Light all the people affected by the current crisis in Ukraine.
This meeting will run EVERY DAY. The start time depends on your time zone. It starts at 9:00 am PDT (12:00 pm EDT). Click on THIS LINK, which is the Friends House Moscow Cloud Meeting. Or use Meeting ID: 416 500 5614; Passcode: 182805
Contact Ann R. at ministry@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Quakers in Kyiv Sunday MfW
The Quakers in Kyiv meet on Sundays at 1:00 pm EDT in silence. For Zoom information, go to their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/QuakersKyivUkraine/.
On Zoom: Meeting ID: 852 8396 7313; Passcode: 2022
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Wednesday Meditation Group
Starting at 7 pm every Wednesday, the Meditation Group will meet on Zoom and we will sit silently for the first 40 minutes followed by a book discussion based on a selected book.
Contact Patty R. at info@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Spiritual Friends Group
On April 13 (Thursday) at 4 pm, the Spiritual Friends Group will meet on Zoom. The group meets online on the 2nd Thurs. of each month to nurture our spiritual lives and, if requested, to ask the group to hold us accountable to our individual intentions. Everyone is welcome. Quakers and non-Quakers!
Contact Barb T. at info@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Building the Beloved Community
On April 13 (Thursday) at 7 pm at St. Philips Episcopal Church located at 730 Bestgate Rd, Annapolis, MD 21401 and on Zoom, the Racial Reconciliation Collaborative will be presenting a Speaker Series: “The Path Toward Racial Harmony and Justice”, a panel discussion that will focus on the current state of race relations and social justice in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County. For details and registration, go to the RRC Events page.
Contact Phil C. at social-concerns@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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BYM Networking Day
On April 15 (Saturday) from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) will be hosting workshops, both in person and on Zoom. The four workshops will include: (a.m.) Reproductive Justice, (a.m.) our Peace Testimony today, (p.m.) Climate Change, and (p.m.) Restorative Justice for racism. There also will be informal sharing with Friends from meetings across BYM, a presentation on “intergenerational peace-building” by FCNL’s Lauren Brownlee, and a preview of Martin Krafft’s video-documentary on a young Friend’s encounter with the end-of-life. For more information, see the BYM Networking webpage.
Contact Phil C. at social-concerns@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Deconstructing Racism
On April 15 (Saturday) at 3 pm, we hope you can join us for centering silence followed by our continued spiritual work as we seek to deconstruct racism in our personal and public lives.
- 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm, Deconstructing Racism personal updates
- 3:30 pm – 5 pm, Reflection on Deconstructing Racism – worship sharing format
Contact Jean C. at info@annapolisfriends.org for the Zoom link and additional information.
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Committees Meet
On April 16 (Sunday) at 9:15 am, most committees meet either in person or on Zoom. Annapolis Friends Meeting committees are the important places where most of our Meeting work is done. They form at the beginning of the calendar year. There are Committee Clerks, co-Clerks, Assistant Clerks and other volunteer committee members. Committees typically meet each month.
At 12:30 pm, the Children’s Religious Education Committee (CREC) will meet in person.
Contact info@annapolisfriends.org to learn more.
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Friendly 8s (The Friendlies)
On April 21 (Friday) at 6 pm, Quakers get together for a variety of reasons and getting to know each other a little better is the purpose of Friendly 8 Groups. Typically, there are 8 people who share a meal, stories and have a relaxed, informal opportunity to socialize. It is great fun and there have been stimulating conversations. The Friendlies meet on Zoom.
For more information, contact Ellen M. at info@annapolisfriends.org.
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Earth Day
The Outreach Committee will host a table at the Earth Day celebration that will be held at Quiet Waters Park on April 22 (Saturday) from 10 am until 2 pm. The AFM table will be located near the Administration Building and the Blue Heron Center. Volunteers are welcome to greet visitors and share about the life sustaining activities to help the planet. AFM will be offering: Free Basil Plants and Coloring projects for children, as well as information about Forestry and Carbon Absorption, How to recycle electronics, Electric Car Information, Planting techniques, Solar Power and Composting.
All are welcome! Please come to help out and volunteer as an Earth Day Representative.
Contact Joan or Cecile at outreach-team@annapolisfriends.org if you are interested in helping or need more information.
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Committee Clerks’ Meeting
On April 23 (Sunday) at 9:15 am (light refreshments) with a 9:30 start, the clerks of all of the AFM committees and others who are interested will meet at a blended meeting (in person and on Zoom). Committee clerk meetings are an opportunity to discuss issues that concern more than one committee. Suggestions for agenda items are welcome. The agenda will be sent out before April 23.
Contact Karen C. at clerk@annapolisfriends.org.
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Potluck with Parfaite Ntahuba from Burundi
On April 23 (Sunday) at 12:30 pm, Parfaite Ntahuba, Director of the Friends Women’s Association (FWA) clinic in Bujumbura, Burundi will join us for 11 am worship followed by in person potluck and a presentation about the work of Burundi women caring for women’s and family health, Aids care, and recovery from and prevention of violence.
Pastor Parfaite is returning to Baltimore Yearly Meeting in advance of Friends Peace Teams annual global face-to-face conference in PA. She is speaking around the Baltimore Yearly Meeting area and we are lucky to be able to host her on the 23rd.
The FWA clinic grew from Women Friends in Kamenge, a suburb of Bujumbura that was severely damaged and people killed during the civil unrest from 1994-97, who wanted to care for women damaged by the conflict. The idea began to gather steam in 1999 and there has been a constant development since then. Parfaite was hired 8 years ago to energize the clinic and has been amazing.
Please check out their web site for program descriptions and lots of pictures: https://fwaburundi.com. And, plan to stay later on Sunday, April 23 to share a meal and learn about Friends’ work in Africa.
Contact Barb T. at pastoral-care@annapolisfriends.org.
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Friends Writing Together
A fun time will be enjoyed on April 23 (Sunday) at 12:30 pm on Zoom when Friends will gather and write from prompts. Sharing is optional and the conversations are quite enjoyable. All are invited.
Contact Mary B. info@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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The Ship called the “Golden Rule”
On April 24 (Monday), the ship called the “Golden Rule”, which was restored by a group of Quakers to fulfill its original mission to promote a message of “peace” to all ports of call, will be arriving in Annapolis and staying for 4 days close to the city dock. There will be a welcoming and a reception at the hall of the First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis, 171 Duke of Gloucester Street on the evening of April 26 at 7 pm. Look for more information about the event in your email from Phil C. The Veterans for Peace has additional information and an interactive map.
Contact Phil C. at pcaroom@gmail.com.
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Living our Truth Worship Sharing
On April 30 (Sunday) at 9:15 am, Fran Palmieri will be presenting a Worship Sharing Program entitled “Living Our Truth”, an Outreach Committee event, from 9:15 to 10:45. All are invited.
This will be Part One of a three-part series focusing on “Who am I?”, “What am I called to do?”, ” How do I accomplish my mission in life?”
Hopefully these worship sharings will help us answer these questions. Part One on April 30 helps us discern “ Who am I? Am I different people? What qualities do other people see in me? Part Two on July 30 we will focus on what we are called to do that best expresses who we are,” Do I picture myself as an activist who never answered “the call”; or a creative person aching to sing, paint, write?” On December 31 Part Three will try to figure out how we can do what we are called to do.”How do I accomplish my mission? Who can help? What organizations might be a part of what I want to do.”
Contact Fran P. info@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Quaker Spring Market
The Quaker Spring Market (QSM) will be May 6 from 9 am until 2 pm. There are many activities leading up to QSM. Look for flyers and more information in your email from AFM-Announce.
- The 2023 QSM Causes were discerned by the Quaker market Committee. There will be a News post about these.
- April 11 – the pod arrives and donations can be placed in the pod, preferably in boxes and neatly stacking the boxes from the deepest end from the door.
- April 30 – the start for setting up for the big day
- May 6 – the final touches, Market begins at 9 am and closes at 2 pm with clean-up to follow.
Contact Cairn K at market@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Tech Support Person for Hire
If you are: Able to follow directions, Comfortable with Microsoft (MS) Windows 10, Able to troubleshoot technical issues (e.g., electrical, Internet connectivity), and are reliable, respectful and attentive, this may be the job for you. AFM is seeking candidates to operate the Owl (AV device) in the meetinghouse for the 11 am Meeting for Worship each First Day (Sunday) from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm.
The employment agency will be taking applications for this position in the near future. The starting salary will be $25 per hour. We are reaching out to our community first and will include the wider community in the future. If you or someone you know would be good at this, please apply. When the employment agency is ready, an announcement will be sent by email.
Contact Ellen M. at info@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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5th Night Light – Every Thursday evening
From 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm every Thursday, the AFM community engages in a spiritual practice that acknowledges the Light of God within each person and that to be in community is to actively care for one another. During that time, Friends hold people and situations who need additional spiritual support in the Light. Friends will pause wherever they may be, read the list of names, and hold each person or situation in our hearts and in the Light. On Wednesday, the list of names or situations are sent out to the AFM-Announce list.
Contact Pastoral Care at pastoral-care@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Meetings for Worship
There are two options for Sunday worship with Annapolis Friends Meeting:
- Weekly at 8:00 am. This Meeting for Worship is in person (no technology) and held outdoors in good weather. Masks and social distancing are optional inside the meetinghouse.
- Weekly at 11:00 am. This Meeting for Worship can be attended in person at the Meetinghouse, or remotely on Zoom (Phone: 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 650 269 455, Passcode: 241727). Nursery care is available; please email us at children@annapolisfriends.org if you would like to bring your child/children to our nursery. First Day School (a.k.a., Sunday School) is available for school age children in person.
Other options that you can attend for Meetings for Worship include: 1) a gathering in spirit only, physically apart and without technology, in communion with friends at the Meeting House at 8:00 a.m. This option was created to link Friends in worship in the early days of the pandemic, and often Friends are at their own homes. 2) In North County, on the First Tuesday of each month, at 7 pm (please see North County Meeting on the calendar).
Contact info@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
For additional information about Annapolis Friends Meeting go to the homepage or for events click here for the calendar.