Want to have some fun, deepen your spiritual life, get to know Quakers from around our region, and broaden community? Then join us for the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Annual Session in person at Hood College in Frederick, MD. You can attend on line and/or in person. Here is the link to learn about it and sign up: https://web.cvent.com/event/0b56a15c-1f1f-47fe-9281-73672d83d620/summary
Opportunities include:
- Pre-session workshops the last week of July T, TH evenings and Saturday
- An Opening Retreat on Trust Circles (in person only)
- Workshops: 31 different topics spread throughout the two weeks
- Worship Sharing and Bible study each morning
- Singing together in the Chapel
- Junior Yearly Meeting from nursery through Young Adults
- Meetings for Business—watch the unique Quaker process unfold
- Plenaries on Tuesday evening, Aug. 3 and Saturday evening Aug. 6
- Programmed and unprogrammed worship services
- A memorial service to honor those among us who have passed this last year
- All-Age Fun Night on Thursday and Entertainment Night on Friday
- Book store, displays, interest groups
- Walks on campus and rides in the golf carts (courtesy of Martha Baer)
- Dining together three times a day
- Staying in a brand new dorm with a bathroom in each room
- Delicious, nutritional meals
And, all this based on a Pay-as-Led model. The Registration explains what it costs BYM to put on Annual Session, but you are asked to pay what you can afford—more if you can to help others who can’t; less if that is best for you. No questions asked.
Sign up today for the whole week or just the weekend! What’s to lose??? https://web.cvent.com/event/0b56a15c-1f1f-47fe-9281-73672d83d620/summary
Questions? Contact Barb Thomas bthomas60@comcast.net