Holding the Quakers at Ramallah Friends School in the Light

An Annapolis Friend shares an update on the Ramallah Friends School (RFS) and writes:
“Holding Palestinian Quakers and students, teachers, and staff at Ramallah Friends School in the Light. Ramallah is in the West Bank rather than Gaza. The school was founded by Friends from New England Yearly Meeting in 1869. AFM is a RFS donor. ”

The following UPDATE and Prayer Suggestions were shared with AFM and are from Friends United Meeting E-News, Oct 9, 2023:

Update on Ramallah Friends School

The members of Friends United Meeting are deeply concerned about how the war between Israel and Hamas will impact our students and staff at Ramallah Friends School. Omar Tesdall, clerk of RFS Board of Trustees, reports that this is a fluid and frightening situation. On Saturday, our teachers and administrators initiated an emergency plan, and our students were sent home for remote learning. Tomorrow, classes will resume with in-person instruction, and counselors will be provided for students traumatized by the news and sounds of war.

Rania Maayeh, Head of School, was attending a conference in Ireland when the war broke out. Yesterday, she booked a flight to Amman, Jordan. Today, she was able to cross the border, arriving safely in Ramallah this afternoon.

Prayer suggestions

• Pray for protection for members of the RFS community.

• Pray for our students who are traumatized by this war.

• Pray for our counselors and teachers as they respond to the RFS community’s educational, emotional, and spiritual needs.

• Pray for our administrators and board who are guiding RFS during these challenging days.

• Pray for a lasting peace in Palestine and Israel.