– Responds to Threats to Our Democracy
Western Friend, published by the Friends Bulletin Corporation, shares the following message on their website..
“Quaker Concern for Democracy – Calls to Action Across our Nation
Dear Friends,
We currently face extensive threats to our U.S. democracy. We are led to speak out against the lies, extremist movements, and anti-democratic actions that are the opposite of our Quaker understandings of integrity and Truth.
All concerned Friends and friends are invited to join us in the beginning of a series of national conversations on these issues to be hosted by the Earlham School of Religion.
Monday, July 25, 2022
2 hours starting
4:00 PM Pacific = 5:00 PM Mountain<
Sunday, July 31, 2022
2 hours starting
Noon Pacific = 1 PM Mountain
We welcome your questions, suggestions, and resources at info[at]quakercall[dot]net
from Diane Randall, Hartford Friends Meeting, and eighteen others (6/15/2022) “
[From: Western Friend, July 2022]