Navigating the Storms: Prophetic Witness for an Earth Restored – A Virtual Meeting June 24

From the Friends World Committee for Consultation – A Virtual Meeting – 8pm Eastern Time, 7pm Central

We live in a time of great change… 

Navigating the Storm Person in rain gear looking out on to stormy sea


REGISTER Here for this FWCC Virtual Program 

If humanity does not soon develop wisdom and global solidarity, we will, through technological hubris, vain-ambition, and age-old rivalries, unravel the thread of Life. In this pre-World Plenary FWCC Consultation, Keith Runyan, Director of Quaker Earthcare Witness, will show how we might find solace and wisdom in the Mountains, Winds, and Seas of the Earth. How might we become students of the Living World? As Quakers, will we "garden as the world burns" or will we rise to the heights of our tradition, take bold action, and rediscover our Prophetic Voice?

Location: Virtual event

Date and time: Mon, Jun 24, 2024 7:00 PM EST  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER