On May 23, 2024, Annapolis Friends Meeting made a change to the group email addresses. The new email addresses went into effect and emails were received by many Friends. Some Friends have not received the emails and may to search their Spam or Junk folders or reach out to the listmaster.
Friends are encouraged to check their Spam or Junk folders and look for emails from Annapolis Friends Meeting. If after checking and not finding any emails related to the Group emails, please send a request to listmaster@annapolisfriends.org to be added to the list of your choice. Only members of these lists can send and receive from them.
The new email addreses are:
AFM_Announcements@googlegroups.com for sharing information about or related to the Meeting.
AFM_Discussions@googlegroups.com for sharing information beyond the Meeting and related to topics of interest among Friends.
For more information about the two email addresses and their purposes, please check out the Becoming Involved web page.