Gifts & Leadings Committee


The Gifts & Leadings Committee was previously called the Nominating Committee and is responsible to Meeting for preparing the annual slate of Officers by selecting Clerks of Committees, Committee and Subcommittee Members and Representatives to Quaker organizations. These positions are normally assumed on January 1 of each year for terms of two years. Agreement to serve is not an inflexible obligation and Friends may lay down their assignments when need arises.

The committee begins its work in August with a meeting-wide kick-off at Meeting for Worship (MfW) with Attention to Business (wAtB) in September. The committee then contacts Friends who served in the current year and Friends who are not currently serving on a committee. The goal is to fill positions and committee rosters with energized and Spirit-led Friends. The nominating committee’s work continues through October and November with draft rosters, culminating with a final draft for presentation and affirmation at the December Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. (see also Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice “The Nominating Committee” for a further reflection on the work of the nominating committee)

These functions are shown below in monthly detail according to the following annual schedule:

  • January: New Year Committee Slate begins work. Assist as necessary to orient new committee members, and monitor or field committee staffing needs, as may arise. This effort continues from through July.
  • August: Call a meeting of the nominating committee to prepare the September MfW wAtB kick-off and begin to discern committee and subcommittee assignments.
  • September: Announce that the nominating committee’s work is starting up and that canvassing for next calendar year Slate is beginning.
  • October: Continue to prepare the Slate for the next calendar year and share the status of progress at the October MfW wAtB.
  • November: Prepare and present the First Draft of the next calendar year Slate at the November MfW wAtB and continue to hone the Slate.
  • December: Present the Final Draft of the next year’s Slate to the December MfW wAtB for review and approval.