Location: 351 Dubois Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
Quaker Spring Market – May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023 Quaker Spring Market
All are welcome to participate in the Quaker Spring Market (QSM) starting with set-up, sales, purchasing, and clean-up.
The purpose is to educate all of us on Quaker testimonies of generosity, equality, simplicity, integrity, community, environmental stewardship while generously contributing to worthy not-for-profit organizations that are registered 501 c 3 groups. Two times each year, a list of charities are collected from the Annapolis Friends Meeting (AFM) community and the Quaker Market Committee discerns the final list of organizations that will receive the proceeds from the Market. The AFM Youth receive a portion of the proceeds to discern for themselves and give to their own selected charities; thereby, teaching the youth how to discern the needs of others and to be generous to, as well as supportive of, charities or to those who need additional support.
Results of the 2023 Quaker Market Committee’s discernment process for the causes or recipients of the 2023 Quaker Sprint Market are as follows:
- The first $250 to our Young Friends for their discernment
- Of the remaining available proceeds, 25% to each of the following four organizations:
- QUAKER EARTHCARE WITNESS encouraging the integration of ecology in spiritual life
- SLADE CHILD FOUNDATION supporting children & families in Ukraine
- UNIFIED EFFORTS a Youth Violence Prevention Center in Baltimore
- FRANCIS WAYNE’s Kenya Ministry (Maryknoll Lay Missioners)
Please support the AFM Quaker Spring Market by donating and helping to set-up, work the booths and clean-up, as well as shop!
There is a lovely flyer that can be printed and posted in locations helpful to inform as many of the larger community as possible. Please click on this title to view/print the Quaker Spring Market Flyer – English and Quaker Spring Market – Spanish.
Looking forward to seeing you there,
– The AFM Quaker Market Committee
Contact market@annapolisfriends.org for more information.