Quaker Terms – Acronyms or Initialisms

So! Are we talking about acronyms or initialisms?

In fact, an acronym is something that we can pronounce, such as FEMA or SOTUS! For letters combined to read as an individual word, the term to use is acronym.

When we combine letters to shorten a long title, it is called initialisms. The difference between the two is subtle, but real. 

Quakers do not pronounce as a whole word something like MfW. It would be difficult to pronounce that collection of letters. Another example is M&PC. Not likely that Friends would be able to make a word out of that combination of letters. 

At the same time, Quakers use a lot of abbreviations for the long titles of committees, organizations or groups, such as BYM, AFM, P&SC, AVP, and more.

The list below has both acronyms (CREC) and abbreviations or initials for the various abbreviations that Quakers at Annapolis Friends Meeting use frequently. This is meant to be a resource and helpful guide for understanding the short-cuts Friends make in writing and speech. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact communications@annapolisfriends.org.

Quaker Acronyms, Initials & Terms – Click here for a Printable Copy

At Annapolis Friends Meeting (AFM), we use a lot of abbreviations for the long titles of committees, groups and organizations. It can get confusing. Here is a list of acronyms, initials and abbreviations that we use at AFM.

501(c)3 The number of a section in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code related to the rules for non-profit organizations. As a faith-body, AFM is automatically a recognized non-profit. However, like many churches/mosques/synagogues, AFM chose to also register as a general charitable non-profit organization. In doing so, AFM is committed to abiding by the requirements in Sec. 501(c)3.
AACRC Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center is an organization that was co-founded by AFM members and others. AACRC offers mediation, facilitation, and community conferencing services to individuals and groups in conflict. AFM continues to be affiliated with AACRC.
ACT Anne Arundel Connecting Together is a non-partisan organization of faith and community-based institutions in Anne Arundel County that is focused on building power to improve the lives of our families, communities, regions, and nation. AFM is affiliated with ACT.
AFM Annapolis Friends Meeting located at 351 Dubois Rd., Annapolis is an unprogrammed Monthly Meeting within BYM and is not to be confused with Adelphi Friends Meeting, Abington Friends Meeting, or Alexandria Friends Meeting. AFM meets weekly to worship and monthly to discern the will of God for issues and concerns.
AFSC American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that works to end poverty in the U.S., to resist militarism worldwide, and to promote peace, human rights, and reconciliation. Friends of AFM have served in AFSC as staff members and board members. AFM continues to support AFSC.
AVP Alternatives to Violence Project is a volunteer-run conflict transformation program. Teams of trained AVP facilitators conduct experiential workshops to develop participants’ abilities to resolve conflicts without resorting to manipulation, coercion or violence.
BYM Baltimore Yearly Meeting, of which AFM is a member Monthly Meeting, is our Yearly Meeting. BYM is a regional worshiping community of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). It has existed for more than 300 years. Geographically, it includes most of Virginia, the portion of Maryland west of the Chesapeake Bay, central Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and parts of West Virginia. As of October 2024, BYM has about 4,740 members–Friends of all ages–organized into 40 established Monthly Meetings, plus 13 Preparative Meetings and Worship Groups. BYM gathers at least annually in late July/early August for worship and to discern the will of God for Friends.
CC Communications committee is an AFM committee managing the websites, social media accounts, Zoom accounts and the two group email addresses.
CREC Children’s Religious Education Committee is an AFM committee focused on providing Quaker religious education for children and oversees the nursery child care provided during 11 am MfW.
CQM Chesapeake Quarterly Meeting is a regional Quaker Meeting is comprised of local Quaker Monthly Meetings, including AFM. It meets once a quarter during the year to discern and make decisions about issues that concern the group. CQM is affiliated with BYM.
F&P Faith & Practice is a book on spirituality, theology, and organization issued by a Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. For AFM, BYM’s F&P is the book that sets out what it means to be a Quaker in Baltimore Yearly Meeting and it includes procedures and advice, as well as inspirational Friend’s quotations. The current BYM F&P book is available online at BYM-F&P with updates through 2023. In 2013, a proposed new version of F&P was considered at Annual Session of BYM. There was not unity to accept the new volume as a replacement for the existing, more compact F&P, but the book was accepted as a valuable resource for Friends. The Resource is available online: 2013 Resources for Faith & Practice 
FCNL Friends Committee on National Legislation is a Quaker national non-profit, non-partisan lobbying organization in Washington, D.C. that works to advance peace, justice and environmental stewardship. Friends of AFM are active in FCNL and participate in FCNL events.
FDS First Day School, “Sunday” school, is an AFM offering that provides religious education during the weekly 11:00 am Meeting for Worship. CREC oversees FDS.
FGC Friends General Conference is an association of local and regional Quaker organizations primarily in the United States and Canada. BYM is affiliated with this larger Quaker organization. Several AFM Friends have served in the past or serve currently in the leadership and work of FGC. 
FUM Friends United Meeting is made up of 38 Yearly Meetings/Associations and several ministry centers in Africa, the Caribbean, North America, and Palestine. BYM is affiliated with FUM as a Yearly Meeting. AFM Friends have worked for FUM, served on its board and committees, and participate in its work and life.
FWT Friends Writing Together is a monthly offering at AFM where those interested in writing will write from prompts and share or not share their fresh writing in a supportive, kind and helpful atmosphere.


FWC Friends Wilderness Center located in Harpers Ferry, WV is a Quaker wilderness preserve and spiritual sanctuary on the western side of the Blue Ridge Mountains. FWC offers the space and environment for all people to experience the gifts of nature and heal in community, in all its forms. Although FWC is an independent non-profit, AFM Friends manage the FWC and other AFM Friends visit regularly.
FWCC Friends World Committee on Consultation “encourages fellowship and understanding among all the branches of the Religious Society of Friends” and brings Quakers together in multiple ways to celebrate God in our lives, to gather the Quaker voice, build networks to address issues of our time, and to unite Friends within our diversity.” BYM is an affiliated Yearly Meeting. AFM Friends participate in the global work of FWCC and in its regional Section of the Americas.
G&L Gifts & Leadings is an AFM committee and was once called the Nominating committee. It is responsible for preparing and proposing to Meeting the annual slate consisting of the officers, committee clerks, committee members and representatives to Quaker organizations.
GG Green Group is a working group under the MH&L committee and they focus on environmental concerns for the Meeting and for the environment, providing education and positive actions.
M&PC Ministry & Pastoral Care committee is an AFM committee that encompasses the vocal ministry and worship activities, adult religious education, and the care of F/friends who need additional assistance for health and wellbeing.
MFB Meeting for Business is a shorter version of the Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business (MfW wAtB), which is a worship time used to discern the will of God for issues and concerns
MfL Meeting for Learning is a time to learn more about topics dear to Friends.
MfW Meeting for Worship is a time spent in silent, centering, unprogrammed worship. 
MfW wAtB Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business is a time spent in worship while discerning the will of God for issues and concerns.
MH&L / MHL Meetinghouse & Land committee is an AFM committee that is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the building and grounds.
MPR Multi-Purpose Room is the room at the meetinghouse where we worship, hold the MfW wAtB, and other activities. It is also called the Worship Room.
P&JC Peace & Justice Center, under the umbrella of the AFM P&SC committee, is a group that provides opportunities and support to those who want to discuss public controversial issues, and get support for peace and justice concerns.
P&SC / PSC Peace & Social Concerns committee is an AFM committee that focuses on taking action for peace and social justice from the faith that Friends have that there is “that of God” in everyone. It seeks to make the Peaceable Kingdom (Isaiah 11:1-9), a traditional Quaker metaphor for God’s will being “done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:20), present and active in our world. P&SC is guided by Friends historical Testimony and Testimonies (simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equity, and stewardship). 
QEW Quaker Earthcare Witness is a network of Friends (Quakers) in North America working on Earthcare concerns. They work to inspire Spirit-led action toward ecological sustainability and environmental justice. AFM is affiliated with QEW.
QM Quaker Market is an AFM community-building, fundraising event that occurs twice each year. Quaker Spring Market (QSM) is held on the first Saturday in May and Quaker Holiday Market (QHM) is held on the first Saturday in December. The Quaker testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship (SPICES) are experienced by and demonstrated to participants. QM provides Friends the opportunity to practice being spiritual in our material world. 
QMC Quaker Market Committee is an AFM committee that plans, publicizes, organizes and facilitates the two Annapolis Friends Meeting fundraisers each year with the help of many volunteers.
QHM Quaker Holiday Market is an AFM QM held on the first Saturday in December.
QSM Quaker Spring Market is an AFM QM held on the first Saturday in May.
RSWR Right Sharing of World Resources is an independent Quaker not-for-profit pursuing the abundance of God’s love through wealth redistribution. RSWR encourages personal and local action to practice simplicity and eliminate poverty. It funds micro-enterprise projects, partnering with marginalized women in Kenya, India and Sierra Leone. A stamp collection project via Indianapolis First Friends Church is a RSWR fundraising effort supported over the years by many Annapolis Friends. 
S&F Stewardship & Finance is an AFM committee focused on preparing the annual budget and reports.
SPICES Short list of testimonies: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship of resources (e.g., financial, environmental).
WRQBG West River Quaker Burial Ground is a 17th -century Quaker cemetery in Galesville, MD.  AFM Friends participate in maintaining the grounds and are on the board.


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