Uphold Ukraine!

Online Meetings to uphold Ukraine

Friends House Moscow supporters in the USA are running an international online Meeting for Worship, to join other Friends holding in the Light all the people affected by the current crisis in Ukraine. This meeting will run EVERY DAY. The start time depends on your time zone. In California (Pacific time, PDT) it starts at 9:00 am, that would be 12:00 pm EDT. Zoom meeting id: 416 500 5614 and passcode: 182805

FWCC/EMES (the collective body for Quaker Meetings in Europe and the Middle East) has also been hosting similar online Meetings. For information about these and future meetings (including meeting time and a link to register), please visit this link and scroll down to ‘Meetings for Worship’.

Quakers in Kyiv

There are a small group of Quakers in Kyiv. Here is a link for their Facebook page:


You can join them on Zoom for silent worship on Sundays. Currently, they are holding two meetings, so that Friends can join from the east coast U.S.A. at 2:00 pm EDT.

ID: 829 8497 8940 Passcode: 586154

For more information, please visit their Facebook page using this link.

Uphold Ukraine!