Weekly Announcements
Coming Up:
The list of events below can also be viewed on the AFM website’s homepage or on the AFM Calendar.
Note: Titles link to the AFM Calendar for greater detail and the word Zoom contains the link to the online meeting.
- EVERY DAY: 12 pm EDT (9 am PDT) Uphold Ukraine on Zoom
- November 14 (Monday), 7 pm, Quaker Market Committee on Zoom
- November 15 (Tuesday),
- 10:30 am, Tuesday Bible Study on Zoom
- 2 pm, Nominating Committee on Zoom
- 5:30 pm, Communications Cmte Meeting on Zoom
- 7:30 pm, Pastoral Care Meeting on Zoom
- November 16 (Wednesday),
- 7 pm, Wednesday Meditation on Zoom
- November 17 (Thursday),
- 9 am, Library Committee Meeting in person
- 1 pm, Postcard writing in person
- November 18 (Friday)
- 6 pm, Friendly 8s (The Friendlies) on Zoom
- 7:30 pm, Education Committee Meeting on Zoom
- November 19 (Saturday)
- 9 am, BYM Conflict Resolution Group in person
- 2 pm, Deconstructing Racism on Zoom
- November 20 (Sunday)
- 8 am, Meeting for Worship, in person or from your home (no technology)
- 9:15 am, Committee Meetings on Zoom
- 11 am, Meeting for Worship in person and on Zoom
- 11 am, First Day School: Crafting for Quaker Holiday Market in person
- 12:30 pm, CREC Committee Meeting
- 1 pm, Silent Worship with the Quakers in Kyiv on Zoom
- 7 pm, Sunday Bible Study on Zoom
Uphold Ukraine Daily
Friends House Moscow supporters in the U.S.A. are running an international online Meeting for Worship, to join other Friends holding in the Light all the people affected by the current crisis in Ukraine. This meeting will run EVERY DAY. The start time depends on your time zone. It starts at 9:00 am PDT (12:00 pm EDT).
Click on THIS LINK, which is the Friends House Moscow Cloud Meeting. This link was revised as of 04.10.2022. Or use Meeting ID: 416 500 5614; Passcode: 182805
Contact Ann R. at ministry@annapolisfriends.org for more information.
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Quakers in Kyiv Sunday MfW
The Quakers in Kyiv meet on Sundays at 1:00 pm EDT in silence. For Zoom information, go to their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/QuakersKyivUkraine/.
On Zoom: Meeting ID: 852 8396 7313; Passcode: 2022
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Tuesday Bible Study
On November 8 (Tuesday) at 10:30 am on Zoom. Please join us for Tuesday Bible Study. If you wish to join a session and are not on the original list, please contact Pat Schenck (pat.schenck3227@gmail.com) for instructions and handouts!
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Postcard Writing – Get Out the Vote for GA
On November 17, 2022 (Thursday) from 1 pm to 3 pm, the Peace & Social Concerns Committee is inviting interested friends to gather to write Get Out The Vote (GOTV) postcards focused on the runoff election in Georgia. This effort is part of our Quaker Call To Action project. See the News Post: GOTV
For more information, contact Cairn K. at info@annapolisfriends.org.
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Friendly 8s (a.k.a., The Friendlies)
The Friendlies meet on Zoom for fellowship and conversation. We share deeply and have great conversations all the while in our own locations and using Zoom to connect. It has been an enriching experience for those involved and we’d be happy to share the joy. Next meeting will be held on Friday, November 18, at 6:00 pm.
For more information, contact Ellen M. at info@annapolisfriends.org.
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Quaker Holiday Market
Dates to remember
Although the Quaker Holiday Market is on the first Saturday of December (12.03.2022), there are other dates that are helpful to remember, including …
- 11.08.2022 through 12.01.2022, donation drop-off
- 11.20. 2022, notecard pre-order deadline
- 11.27.2022, transform meetinghouse, retrieve offsite donations, set-up of large tent
- 11.28.2022, last sign-up day for food that will appear on printed Quaker Café menu
- 11.29.2022 through 12.02.2022, sorting (schedule tbd)
- 12.02.2022, afternoon, drop-off of baked goods (or by arrangement)
- 12.03.2022, by 9 am, drop-off of other food donations
- 12.03.2022, 9 am – 2 pm, Quaker Holiday Market
- 12.03.2022, 2 pm cleanup: boxing up unsold items, transporting some categories offsite, tent takedown, etc.
Donation Guidelines
The Quaker Market Committee welcomes your donation of new or gently used items that you no longer need. Donations may be dropped off at the Pod prior to 11.27.2022. Starting 11.27.2022, we will be collecting donations in the foyer or on the front porch. If you need help transporting items, or would like to donate furniture (requires pre-approval), please let us know. See the Quaker Market webpage for donation guidelines: CLICK HERE.
Food Sign-up
Many shoppers tell us they come to Quaker Markets for the food.
If cooking or baking brings you joy, we would love to have you support the upcoming Quaker Holiday Market on December 3, 2022 by contributing food for the Quaker Café and baked goods table!
Ellen has created a wonderful online signup sheet to help us keep things straight Food Sign Up Sheet.
Food drop-off at the meetinghouse will be Friday afternoon for baked goods and Saturday morning by 9 am for hot items and everything else, or by special arrangement.
Notecards for sale
We hope that interested Friends will use the online pre-order option to help us better gauge how many notecards to print. Pickup and payment will be at Quaker Holiday Market on December 3, 2022, or by special arrangement.
Please note the pre-order deadline is Sunday, November 20, 2022.
Quaker Holiday Market Notecard Intro Page
Quaker Holiday Market Notecard Pre-Order Form
Task Sign-up is coming!
Although it is not ready yet, there will be a task sign-up sheet for all the many Quaker Holiday Market tasks, including set-up, during and clean up.
Contact Cairn K. at market@annapolisfriends.org.
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Sunday Bible Study
On November 20 (Sunday) at 7 pm on Zoom, there will be a Friendly Bible Study. Join us for Sunday Bible Study Sessions. If you wish to join a session and are not on the original list, please contact Barbara Thomas (bthomas60@comcast.net) for instructions and handouts.
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Thanksgiving Event – November 25
On Friday November 25 at 2:30 pm in person at the meetinghouse, there will be a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to welcome and celebrate our sponsored Afghan family with our neighbors, the Annapolis Unitarian Universalist Church friends. Space may be limited. Please contact Barb T., as soon as possible if you are planning to attend.
For more information, contact Barb T. at pastoral-care@annapolisfriends.org.
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Wednesday Meditation Group
Starting at 7 pm every Wednesday, the Meditation Group will meet on Zoom and we will sit silently for the first 40-minutes followed by a book discussion based on a selected book.
For more information, contact Patty R. at info@annapolisfriends.org.
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5th Night Light – Every Thursday evening
From 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm every Thursday, the AFM community engages in a spiritual practice that acknowledges the Light of God within each person and that to be in community is to actively care for one another. During that time, Friends hold people and situations who need additional spiritual support in the Light. Friends will pause wherever they may be, read the list of names, and hold each person or situation in our hearts and in the Light. On Wednesday, the list of names or situations are sent out to the AFM-Announce list.
For more information, contact Pastoral Care at pastoral-care@annapolisfriends.org.
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Meetings for Worship
There are two options for Sunday worship with Annapolis Friends Meeting:
- Weekly at 8:00 am. This Meeting for Worship is in person (no technology) and meets outdoors in good weather.
- Weekly at 11:00 am. This Meeting for Worship can be attended in person at the Meetinghouse, or remotely on Zoom (Phone: 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 650 269 455, Passcode: 241727)
Other options that you can attend for Meetings for Worship include: 1) a gathering in spirit only, physically apart and without technology, in communion with friends at the Meeting House at 8:00 a.m. This option was created to link Friends in worship in the early days of the pandemic, and often Friends are at their own homes. 2) In North County, on the 1st Tuesday of each month, at 7 pm (please see North County Meeting on the calendar).
For more information, send an email to info@annapolisfriends.org.
For additional information about Annapolis Friends Meeting and other events click here for the calendar. Or at https://annapolisfriends.org.