West River Quaker Burying Ground – 350th Anniversary Program

A Special Program held on April 23, 2022

350th Anniversary Baltimore Yearly Meeting -350th Anniversay

The link below provides additional and recent research for your consideration:

“Black Resistance in the Ending of Quaker Slaveholding in Virginia and Maryland, 1750-1800”
A Presentation to Charlottesville Friends Meeting, Based on New Research by Jim Fussell. (A pdf file)

Photos from the 350th Celebration:

Friends provided historical testimony, staffed an information table, served cake, and provided tours.

The Boy Scout Troop # honored the occasion with their presence and are to be commended for their help in providing safe passage for guests walking and driving between the Galesville Community Hall and the West River Burial Ground. They have also provided invaluable maintenance to the burial grounds over the course of many years and we are most appreciative of their time and effort.