Join us for more!

There are a number of ways that we form a community outside of our  11:00 Meetings for Worship.

Early Meeting for Worship 8am-9am every second, fourth, and fifth Sundays.

North County Worship on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7pm.

Meeting for Business on the 1st Sunday of every month from 9:15-10:45

Committee Meetings on the 3rd Sunday of every month from 9:15-10:45

Meetings for Learning and Worship Sharing Sessions meet on Sundays at 9:15 as scheduled on the calendar

On the first Sunday of every month, we have a pot luck lunch directly following Meeting for Worship (usually from about 12:20 to 1:30). Meal contributions are always welcome, but surely not required for you to join us. You are always welcome to bring your hunger and join in the fellowship! We love to meet and greet.

In addition, we have many smaller groups that meet throughout the year.  You can find meeting times by attending Meeting for Worship, or checking the calendar or newsletter.

Spiritual Friendship Group

Poetry and Writer’s Gathering

Quaker Dudes

Wednesday Evening Meditation

Silent Retreat

Deconstructing Racism

Friendly Eights

Green Team

CSGA Movie Nights